Sunday 27 November 2016

Increasing Tech Opportunities in India.

After Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp for a staggering $19 billion, the messaging app underwent significant transformations, introducing new features such as free video calling, developed by former Yahoo engineers. This move propelled WhatsApp's popularity, leading to a surge in active users, with an increase of approximately 500 million in early 2016, solidifying its status as one of Zuckerberg's smartest acquisitions.

Despite being under the umbrella of Facebook, WhatsApp operates as an independent company, maintaining its autonomy. It has continued to innovate, introducing features like audio and video calling, as well as end-to-end encryption of chats, ensuring user privacy and security.

During this time, the proliferation of 4G technology, especially in countries like India, has been remarkable. The inadequacies of 3G, which struggled to deliver seamless video calls due to bandwidth limitations and poor connections, have been overcome by the superior capabilities of 4G networks.

This technological advancement has opened up numerous opportunities in both the private and government sectors, particularly in the fields of mass communication. With the rapid expansion of 4G networks, job prospects have multiplied, catering to diverse sections of society and driving growth in the communication industry.

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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Paralysed Life In Kashmir and Present Situation 2016

Despite the ongoing shutdown and counter restrictions in the Kashmir valley, there has been a slight increase in pedestrian and vehicular movement on the roads, giving a semblance of normalcy on the 137th day of the current unrest. While normal life remains paralyzed to some extent, the overall situation remains peaceful, with no untoward incidents reported from any part of the valley.

However, there have been isolated incidents of stone throwing in certain areas, where protesting youth sought to enforce the shutdown. These sporadic incidents contrast with the relatively calm atmosphere prevailing throughout most of the valley.

The shutdown, without any relaxation, continues for the second consecutive day, following two days of normal activities over the weekend. This pattern aligns with the protester calendar issued by separatist leaders Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Mohammad Yasin Malik, indicating the persistence of unrest and civil disobedience in the region.

Friday 18 November 2016

Technology and Increasing Opportunisties in India| Kashmir

In today's interconnected world, wireless technology has revolutionized our lives in myriad ways. Gone are the days when accessing the internet required a wired connection to a computer port, and even landline telephones are becoming obsolete.

Nowadays, we rely on our mobile phones for a plethora of tasks, from banking to checking ticket availability at cinemas and beyond. Wireless communication has enabled the transfer of information over long distances without the need for physical wires or conductors.

Wireless networking, meanwhile, encompasses any form of networking that doesn't rely on cables. This not only saves on the cost of cables but also provides the freedom of mobility to users.

The evolution of cellular technology began with 2G, which introduced digital signals and laid the groundwork for today's cell phones. This was followed by 3G, which utilized the packet-switched standard known as UMTS or 3GSM.

The latest advancement in this realm is 4G, representing the fourth generation of mobile broadband internet with blazing-fast speeds. In India, the introduction of Jio 4G has been a game-changer, offering free networking for a limited period. This includes both calling and high-speed internet data, and people across the country are eagerly embracing this new technology.

As 4G continues to expand its footprint, it promises to further revolutionize the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us.

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