Wednesday 23 September 2015

Motivation | Self empowerment

In today's world, where compassion and loving-kindness often seem scarce, Gandhi's timeless words ring true: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." It's a call for us to rise above the fray, to embody selflessness and empathy in our actions.

Let us strive to be better, to extend love and generosity without expectation of return. Let us give from the depths of our hearts, with sincerity and compassion for all, regardless of race, background, or creed. Love knows no boundaries; it is blind and unconditional.

In embracing love as our guiding principle, we tap into its transformative power to heal and redeem. It is through acts of kindness and understanding that humanity finds its truest expression. Let us each be a beacon of love and compassion, illuminating the path towards a brighter, more compassionate world.

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