Tuesday 24 January 2017


The closure of the national highway in Kashmir can occur due to various reasons, primarily related to adverse weather conditions and security concerns. Here are some common reasons for the closure of the national highway in Kashmir and the measures taken:

1. Heavy Snowfall: During the winter months, heavy snowfall can lead to the closure of the national highway as it makes the roads impassable and increases the risk of accidents. In such cases, authorities often close the highway to prevent any mishaps and ensure the safety of travelers.

- Regular monitoring of weather forecasts to anticipate heavy snowfall and plan road closures accordingly.
- Deployment of snow-clearing machinery and personnel to clear the roads and make them safe for travel.
- Providing updates and advisories to travelers through official channels regarding road closures and alternative routes.

2. Avalanches: The mountainous terrain of Kashmir is prone to avalanches, especially during periods of heavy snowfall and unstable weather conditions. Avalanches can pose a significant risk to travelers and lead to the closure of the national highway to prevent accidents and casualties.

- Installation of avalanche detection and warning systems along vulnerable stretches of the highway.
- Regular monitoring of avalanche-prone areas and preemptive measures such as controlled avalanche releases to mitigate the risk.
- Immediate closure of the highway in case of avalanche warnings or incidents to ensure the safety of travelers.

3. Landslides: The rugged terrain and unstable soil conditions in Kashmir make the region susceptible to landslides, particularly during the monsoon season or after heavy rainfall. Landslides can block the national highway and disrupt vehicular movement, necessitating temporary closures for clearance and repair work.

- Implementation of slope stabilization measures and retaining walls along vulnerable sections of the highway to minimize the risk of landslides.
- Deployment of landslide detection systems and geotechnical monitoring to identify potential hazards and take preventive action.
- Prompt response teams equipped with heavy machinery to clear debris and restore traffic flow on the highway.

4. Security Concerns: Due to the sensitive geopolitical situation in Kashmir, security threats such as militant activities or civil unrest may prompt authorities to close the national highway temporarily to ensure the safety of travelers and maintain public order.

- Enhanced security measures including increased surveillance, checkpoints, and deployment of security personnel along the highway.
- Coordination with law enforcement agencies and intelligence services to assess security threats and take proactive measures to prevent any untoward incidents.
- Timely communication with the public regarding security advisories and travel restrictions to minimize inconvenience and ensure compliance with safety protocols.

Overall, the closure of the national highway in Kashmir is a precautionary measure undertaken by authorities to safeguard the lives and well-being of travelers in the face of adverse weather conditions or security challenges. Effective planning, proactive measures, and timely communication are essential to managing road closures and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic once the situation improves.

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