Saturday 27 February 2016

Paradise turning into burning inferno why? | KUNAN-POSHPORA incident

The KUNAN-POSHPORA MASS RAPE stands as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed against innocent civilians, highlighting the profound impact of silence in the face of injustice. On the tragic night of February 23rd and 24th, 1991, the tranquility of the village was shattered as the army conducted a cordon and search operation. While the male members were ordered out of their homes, the women were subjected to unimaginable horrors of indiscriminate and systematic assault.

The aftermath of this heinous crime was not just the physical scars but the deep social and psychological wounds inflicted on the community. Families were torn apart, and the once vibrant village fell into a state of despair and mourning. The silence that engulfed the village on that fateful morning was a testament to the magnitude of the tragedy that had unfolded.

The social impact of the incident has been profound, with education taking a severe hit. Victims and their families faced social ostracization, with many dropping out of school or university due to the stigma and taunts directed at them. Marrying off children became a daunting task as families struggled to overcome the stigma associated with the incident.

Despite the passage of a quarter-century, justice remains elusive for the victims. The journey towards seeking accountability and redress has been fraught with hurdles and delays. Yet, the resilience of the victims and their unwavering commitment to justice serve as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

It is imperative for society, especially intellectuals and advocates of justice, to recognize, acknowledge, and speak out against such atrocities. Only by confronting the past and acknowledging the injustices inflicted can we hope to move forward towards healing and reconciliation. As Martin Luther King Jr. aptly stated, "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people." It is time for society to break the silence and stand in solidarity with the victims of Kunan-Poshpora, ensuring that their voices are heard and their quest for justice is realized.

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